Using Amazon ECS containers in a VPC, you can break up large applications into smaller pieces that can be launched and scaled separately in a safe environment. But making sure that all of these parts, inside and outside of a VPC, can talk to each other can be hard. There are different ways to make conversation easier, and each has its own pros and cons.

How do I check logs for stopped tasks

There are many possibilities can stop your ECS containers because of application or configuration errors, and you may want to inspect it for error messages.

The following steps can be used to check stopped tasks for errors using the new AWS Management Console.

  1. Open the console at
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Clusters.
  3. On the Clusters page, choose the cluster.
  4. On the Cluster : name page, choose the Tasks tab.
  5. Choose the stopped task to inspect.
  6. In the Status section, inspect the Stopped reason field to see the reason that the task was stopped.
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