Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

STEP 1. Download CK Editor

We have to options


How to secure the superbuild version of CKEditor

To download the superbuild version of CKEditor 5, you can follow these steps:

  • Visit the official CKEditor 5 GitHub repository: https://



  • /ckeditor5
  • Clone the repository using Git. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:
    Code Block
    git clone

  • Change to the CKEditor 5 directory:
    Code Block
    cd ckeditor5
  • Install the npm dependencies by running:
    Code Block
    npm install
  • Build CKEditor 5 using the superbuild:
    Code Block
    npm run build

This will build the superbuild version of CKEditor 5, which includes all the core packages and dependencies.

After the build process is complete, you should find the compiled files in the build directory. The main editor build will be in the build/ckeditor.js file.

Keep in mind that the build process may take some time, depending on your machine and internet connection speed. Additionally, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system before proceeding with these steps


You can select features what you want to have. The benefit of online-builder is that you don't need to setup an environment for npm.

Unfortunately this does not gave me the correct result.

Option 2) Download through NPM
