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Code Block
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

# Add the source files
set(SRCS main.cpp)

# Add the executable
add_executable(ExampleProject ${SRCS})

The project name is ExampleProject and the source file for the project is main.cpp. The executable is added using the add_executable command, with the project name and source files as arguments.


Below is an advanced example:

Code Block

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
project(ExampleProject CXX)

# Set the C++ standard to use

# Set the build type to release by default
  set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release)

# Add the source files
file(GLOB_RECURSE SRCS "src/*.cpp")

# Add the include directories

# Add the executable
add_executable(ExampleProject ${SRCS})

# Link libraries if needed
# target_link_libraries(ExampleProject [library1 library2 ...])

# Enable testing

# Add tests
# add_test(NAME ExampleTest COMMAND ExampleProject [arguments])

# Install the executable
install(TARGETS ExampleProject DESTINATION bin)

For above, the project name is ExampleProject and is built as an executable. The C++ standard used is C++17. The build type is set to Release by default, but can be changed by specifying a different type when running CMake. The source files are located in the src directory and are added using the file(GLOB_RECURSE ...) command. The include directories are added using the include_directories command. The executable is added using the add_executable command. If the project requires any libraries, they can be linked using the target_link_libraries command. The project can be installed using the install command. The enable_testing command enables testing and individual tests can be added using the add_test command.