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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
var d = new Date("2020-07-30") // note you should type Date not date !!!

If you want to get its element value like FullYear, Month, Date, Hours, and etc. You can simply get it like below.

Code Block
var d = new Date();

document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML += d.getFullYear(); // Get the year as a four digit number (yyyy)
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML += d.getMonth(); // Get the month as a number (0-11)
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML += d.getDate(); // Get the day as a number (1-31)
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML += d.getHours(); // Get the hour (0-23)
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML += d.getMinutes(); // Get the minute (0-59)
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML += d.getSeconds(); // Get the second (0-59)
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML += d.getMilliseconds(); // Get the millisecond (0-999)
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML += d.getTime(); // Get the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970)
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML += d.getDay(); // Get the weekday as a number (0-6)
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML +=; // Get the time. ECMAScript 5.

If you want to convert it To convert Date type variable to string in Javascript

Code Block
var d = new Date();
var n = d.toString();

To set values for Date()

Code Block
var d= new Date("1973-02-16")

d.setFullYear(2020); // Set the year (optionally month and day)
d.setFullYear(2020,12,30); // Set the year (optionally month and day)
d.setMonth(11); // Set the month (0-11)
d.setDate(25); // Set the day as a number (1-31)
d.setHours(12); // Set the hour (0-23)
d.setMilliseconds(22); // Set the milliseconds (0-999)
d.setMinutes(10); // Set the minutes (0-59)
d.setSeconds(0); // Set the seconds (0-59)
d.setTime(12311231); // Set the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970)

To increase one day in ISO Date

Code Block
function IncDate( src) // src should be "YYYY-MM-DD" like "2009-04-13"
	var d = new Date(src);

	var ret = d.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + ((d.getMonth()<9) ? "0":"") + (d.getMonth()+1).toString() + "-" + ((d.getDate()<10) ? "0":"") + d.getDate().toString();
	return ret;