Versions Compared


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Reading/Writing directly on the server via FTP/SFTP SFTP package is super useful on Windows, but it seems not easy to find such kind of convenient solution on Mac yet. if you want to have a development environment like Visual Studio Code. You can open the cloned remote folders on navigation pane, open, modify and sync-up with remote server easily.

You will need to follow below steps


  • Create a folder → Drag & Drop onto Sublime Text and you will see the folder navigation pane on left side.
  • Move mouse cursor on top of the created folder (_default in this case) → click mouse right → click SFTP/FTP → click Map to Remote...
  • Edit your json file (host, user, port, and remote_path) → save the file (it will be saved as sftp-config.json)

    Code Block
        // The tab key will cycle through the settings when first created
        // Visit for help
        // sftp, ftp or ftps
        "type": "sftp",
        "save_before_upload": true,
        "upload_on_save": false,
        "sync_down_on_open": false,
        "sync_skip_deletes": false,
        "sync_same_age": true,
        "confirm_downloads": false,
        "confirm_sync": true,
        "confirm_overwrite_newer": false,
        "host": "",
        "user": "username",
        //"password": "password",
        //"port": "22",
        "remote_path": "/example/path/",
        "ignore_regexes": [
            "\\.sublime-(project|workspace)", "sftp-config(-alt\\d?)?\\.json",
            "sftp-settings\\.json", "/venv/", "\\.svn/", "\\.hg/", "\\.git/",
            "\\.bzr", "_darcs", "CVS", "\\.DS_Store", "Thumbs\\.db", "desktop\\.ini"
        //"file_permissions": "664",
        //"dir_permissions": "775",
        //"extra_list_connections": 0,
        "connect_timeout": 30,
        //"keepalive": 120,
        //"ftp_passive_mode": true,
        //"ftp_obey_passive_host": false,
        //"ssh_key_file": "~/.ssh/id_rsa",
        //"sftp_flags": ["-F", "/path/to/ssh_config"],
        //"preserve_modification_times": false,
        //"remote_time_offset_in_hours": 0,
        //"remote_encoding": "utf-8",
        //"remote_locale": "C",
        //"allow_config_upload": false,

  • Move mouse cursor on top of the folder (_default in this case) → click mouse right → click SFTP/FTP → click Sync Remote→Local to get the update-to-date code from the server

  • You are all set. You can simply select codes on navigation pane and modify it easily.
  • Once modification is done, you can sync up with the SFTP server by moving mouse cursor on top of the folder (_default in this case) → click mouse right → click SFTP/FTP → click Sync Local→Remote or Sync Both Directions 

Even though this is straightforward and easy, but it may not safer for the user mistake - it could erase all the source code on the server, so you'd better to use Version Control System like Git or SVN.