Versions Compared


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Redis is a useful solution when design systems on server , and it takes minimum time required required the minimum latency between the client and server for handling message. We can easily build a thread application if we use shell_exec based on & and wait. PHP also provides a solution named as pthreads. but unfortunately the pthreads extension cannot be used in a web server environment. Threading in PHP should therefore remain to CLI-based applications only. 


Below is a practical example to implement Redis application in Threadcomparing the normal and thread processing :

Code Block

$prev_time = 0;
function tick()
        global $prev_time;

        $cur_time = microtime(true);

        if ($prev_time) $diff = $cur_time - $prev_time;
        else $diff = "";

        echo $cur_time . " (" . $diff . ")\n";

        $prev_time = $cur_time;

function redis_set($host,$port,$key,$value,$run_in_thread=false)
        $obj = [ "v" => $value ];
        $value = str_replace( "\"", "\\\"", json_encode( $obj, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
        $cmd="redis-cli -h {$host} -p {$port} set \"{$key}\" \"{$value}\"";
        if ($run_in_thread==true) $cmd .= " &";

        $resp=trim( shell_exec( $cmd));

        if ($resp=="OK") return NULL;
                echo "{$resp}\n";
                return $resp;

function redis_get($host,$port,$key)
        $cmd = "redis-cli -h {$host} -p {$port} get \"{$key}\"";
        $resp=trim(shell_exec( $cmd));
        return $obj['v'];

echo "Error testing\n";
echo redis_set( "", 6379, "chun", "kang1");
echo redis_get( "", 6379, "chun"). "\n";

echo "Test Redis call in Normal mode!!\n";
$prev_time = 0;
redis_set( "", 6379, "chun", "kang1");
redis_set( "", 6379, "chun", "kang2");
redis_set( "", 6379, "chun", "kang3");
echo redis_get( "", 6379, "chun"). "\n";
echo redis_get( "", 6379, "chun"). "\n";
echo redis_get( "", 6379, "chun"). "\n";

echo "\n";
echo "Test same things in Thread mode\n";

$prev_time = 0;
redis_set( "", 6379, "chun", "thread-kang1", true);
redis_set( "", 6379, "chun", "thread-kang2", true);
redis_set( "", 6379, "chun", "thread-kang3", true);

shell_exec("wait"); // wait until all workers to complete the job

echo redis_get( "", 6379, "chun"). "\n";
echo redis_get( "", 6379, "chun"). "\n";
echo redis_get( "", 6379, "chun"). "\n";

