Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


STEP 1. Download CKEditor5

The first option is to use online builder at

  • The benefit of the online-builder is that you do not need to install NPM and all other necessary binaries to get what you want.
  • The below is the one I acquired at the online builder that does not include premium libraries that have to pay by the cases. (Excluding Markdown, General HTML Support, Text part language, Style, Word Count, Watchdog)

By the model there are some options basically included as below:

Image Added

Reference link:

STEP 2. Implement Code

Below is the simple test code. Note that you should change <the_folder_where_you_saved> to the correct location.Simple example of CKEditor

Code Block
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>CKEditor 5 – Classic editor</title>
    <script src="<the_folder_where_you_saved>/ckeditor.js"></script>
    <h1>Classic editor</h1>
    <div id="editor">
        <p>This is some sample content.</p>
            .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ) )
            .catch( error => {
                console.error( error );
            } );

Below is including file uploading feature.

Code Block
		<title>CKEditor 5 ClassicEditor build</title>
		<meta charset="UTF-8">
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
		<div id="editor">
		<script src="ck/ckeditor.js"></script>
				.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
					simpleUpload: {
						// The URL that the images are uploaded to.
						uploadUrl: 'upload.php',
				} )
				.then( editor => {
					window.editor = editor;
				} )
				.catch( err => {
					console.error( err.stack );
				} );

You will need to have following upload.php to save the necessary files as planned.

Code Block
// Define file upload path 
$upload_dir = array( 
    'img'=> './', 
// Allowed image properties  
$imgset = array( 
    'maxsize' => 5000, 
    'maxwidth' => 4096, 
    'maxheight' => 3000, 
    'minwidth' => 10, 
    'minheight' => 10, 
    'type' => array('bmp', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'), 
// If 0, will OVERWRITE the existing file 
define('RENAME_F', 1); 
$site = ''; 
 * Set filename 
 * If the file exists, and RENAME_F is 1, set "img_name_1" 
 * $p = dir-path, $fn=filename to check, $ex=extension $i=index to rename 
function setFName($p, $fn, $ex, $i){ 
    if(RENAME_F ==1 && file_exists($p .$fn .$ex)){ 
        return setFName($p, F_NAME .'_'. ($i +1), $ex, ($i +1)); 
        return $fn .$ex; 
$re = ''; 
if(isset($_FILES['upload']) && strlen($_FILES['upload']['name']) > 1) { 
    define('F_NAME', preg_replace('/\.(.+?)$/i', '', basename($_FILES['upload']['name'])));   
    // Get filename without extension 
    $sepext = explode('.', strtolower($_FILES['upload']['name'])); 
    $type = end($sepext);    /** gets extension **/ 
    // Upload directory 
    $upload_dir = in_array($type, $imgset['type']) ? $upload_dir['img'] : $upload_dir['audio']; 
    $upload_dir = trim($upload_dir, '/') .'/'; 
    // Validate file type 
    if(in_array($type, $imgset['type'])){ 
        // Image width and height 
        list($width, $height) = getimagesize($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']); 
        if(isset($width) && isset($height)) { 
            if($width > $imgset['maxwidth'] || $height > $imgset['maxheight']){ 
                $re .= ' Width x Height = '. $width .' x '. $height .' >>> The maximum Width x Height must be: '. $imgset['maxwidth']. ' x '. $imgset['maxheight']; 
            if($width < $imgset['minwidth'] || $height < $imgset['minheight']){ 
                $re .= ' Width x Height = '. $width .' x '. $height .' >>> The minimum Width x Height must be: '. $imgset['minwidth']. ' x '. $imgset['minheight']; 
            if($_FILES['upload']['size'] > $imgset['maxsize']*1000){ 
                $re .= ' >>> Maximum file size must be: '. $imgset['maxsize']. ' KB.'; 
        $re .= 'The file: '. $_FILES['upload']['name']. ' has not the allowed extension type.'; 
    // File upload path 
    $f_name = setFName($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/'. $upload_dir, F_NAME, ".$type", 0); 
    $uploadpath = $upload_dir . $f_name; 
    // If no errors, upload the image, else, output the errors 
    if($re == ''){ 
        if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $uploadpath)) { 
            $url = $upload_dir . $f_name; 
            $msg = F_NAME .'.'. $type .' successfully uploaded! >>> Size: '. number_format($_FILES['upload']['size']/1024, 2, '.', '') .' KB'; 
            $response = [ 
                'url' => $url 
            $response = [ 
                'error' => [ 
                    'message' => 'Unable to upload the file!' 
        $response = [ 
            'error' => [ 
                'message' => 'Error: '.$re 
// Return response in JSON format 
echo json_encode($response); 