Array in HTML5 is useful when upload files with multi selection on file management dialog. Note that you should add tag (multiple="multiple") to the "file" type element. In the PHP, you will be able to manage uploaded files easily by index.

<!-- multiple file uploading example by Chun Kang -->
		<title>PHP upload file demo</title>
		<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="formUploadFile" action="submit_upload.php">		
			<label>Select files to upload:</label>
			<input type="file" id="files" name="files[]" multiple="multiple" />
			<input type="submit" value="Chun Kang" name="whoami"/>

/* Programmed by Chun Kang <>
 * @file submit_upload.php
 * @author Chun Kang (

	$errors = array();
	$uploadedFiles = array();
	$extension = array("jpeg","jpg","png","gif");
	$UploadFolder = "upload";
	$counter = 0;

		$_FILES["files"] Array
		    [name] => Array
		            [0] => channel_representative_image_BilliadsTV_1920x1080.jpg
		            [1] => channel_representative_image_honey_1920x1080.jpeg
		            [2] => channel_representative_image_idap_1920x1080.jpeg
		            [3] => channel_representative_image_mubeat_1920x1080.jpg
		            [4] => channel_representative_image_muKbang_1920x1080.jpg

		    [type] => Array
		            [0] => image/jpeg
		            [1] => image/jpeg
		            [2] => image/jpeg
		            [3] => image/jpeg
		            [4] => image/jpeg

		    [tmp_name] => Array
		            [0] => /tmp/php4Mfw5C
		            [1] => /tmp/phpfSF3XV
		            [2] => /tmp/phpyzCFEf
		            [3] => /tmp/phpDRHBnz
		            [4] => /tmp/phpSzSCaT

		    [error] => Array
		            [0] => 0
		            [1] => 0
		            [2] => 0
		            [3] => 0
		            [4] => 0

		    [size] => Array
		            [0] => 1707487
		            [1] => 2494888
		            [2] => 1327434
		            [3] => 1912188
		            [4] => 1806818


	foreach($_FILES["files"]["tmp_name"] as $i=>$tmp_name)
		$temp = $_FILES["files"]["tmp_name"][$i];
		$name = $_FILES["files"]["name"][$i];
		$UploadOk = true;
		$ext = strtolower(pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
		if(in_array($ext, $extension) == false)
			$UploadOk = false;
			array_push($errors, $name." is invalid file type.");
		if(file_exists($UploadFolder."/".$name) == true)
			$UploadOk = false;
			array_push($errors, $name." file is already exist.");
		if($UploadOk == true)
			if (!file_exists($UploadFolder)) mkdir($UploadFolder);
			move_uploaded_file($temp, $UploadFolder."/".$name);
			array_push($uploadedFiles, $name);
			echo "<b>Errors:</b>";
			echo "<br/><ul>";
			foreach($errors as $error)
				echo "<li>".$error."</li>";
			echo "</ul><br/>";
			echo "<b>Uploaded Files:</b>";
			echo "<br/><ul>";
			foreach($uploadedFiles as $fileName)
				echo "<li>".$fileName."</li>";
			echo "</ul><br/>";
			echo count($uploadedFiles)." file(s) are successfully uploaded.";
		echo "Please, Select file(s) to upload.";

Following is an example of uploading files in JQuery

<!-- multiple file uploading example by Chun Kang -->
	<title>PHP upload file demo</title>
function _(el)
    return document.getElementById(el);

function completeCTHandler(event){
	_("upload_info").innerHTML =;

function uploadFiles()
	_("upload_info").innerHTML = "Uploading....<br><br>";

	var formdata = new FormData();
	formdata.append("whoami", "Chun Kang");
	total_files = _("files").files.length;
	for( var i=0; i<total_files; i++) formdata.append("files[]", _("files").files[i]);

	var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
	ajax.addEventListener("load", completeCTHandler, false);"POST", "submit_upload.php");

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="formUploadFile">
	<label>Select files to upload:</label>
	<input type="file" id="files" name="files[]" multiple="multiple" />
	<input type="button" value="Upload File" onClick="uploadFiles()"/>
<div id="upload_info"></div>

Uploading multiple with progress bar

<!-- multiple file uploading example by Chun Kang -->
	<title>PHP upload file demo</title>
function _(el)
    return document.getElementById(el);

function formatNumber(num) {
  return num.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,')

function completeCTHandler(event)
	_("upload_info").innerHTML =;

function progressCTHandler(event)
	if (event.lengthComputable)
		var percentage = Math.round(event.loaded/*100);
		_("upload_info").innerHTML = formatNumber(event.loaded) + "/" + formatNumber( + " bytes uploaded (" + percentage.toString() + "%)<br>"
			+  "<progress id=\"progressBar\" value=\"" + percentage.toString() + "\" max=\"100\"></progress>";

function uploadFiles()
	_("upload_form").style.display = "none";
	_("upload_info").innerHTML = "Uploading....<br><br>";

	var formdata = new FormData();
	formdata.append("whoami", "CK");
	total_files = _("files").files.length;
	for( var i=0; i<total_files; i++) formdata.append("files[]", _("files").files[i]);

	var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
	ajax.addEventListener("load", completeCTHandler, false);
	ajax.upload.addEventListener("progress", progressCTHandler, false);"POST", "submit_upload.php");
<div id="upload_form">
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="formUploadFile">
	<label>Select files to upload:</label>
	<input type="file" id="files" name="files[]" multiple="multiple" />
	<input type="button" value="Upload File" onClick="uploadFiles()"/>
<div id="upload_info"></div>